The death of a Black man named George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 25, 2020, was a catalyst for protests and riots around the world. The Black Lives Matter organization that was founded in 2013 took the forefront during these events, advocating for non-violent protests and civil disobedience geared against police brutality and all forms of racially motivated violence.
While many people are familiar with Black Lives Matter and its importance in the movement towards equality, justice, and opportunity for all people, there are also many other organizations that work to make big positive influences in black achievement. With the donations they receive, these organizations fight racial injustice, educate, empower, encourage unity, and provide mentorship in black communities.
The criteria used for inclusion in this list included historical ratings of the charity, the organization’s financial score, and its accountability and transparency rating using the most recent data available. Using this methodology, we present to you 50 organizations that make the biggest positive influence in black achievement in the U.S. today. Information is key so that when you choose to donate, you give wisely and to the organizations that make the biggest impact on black lives.
A donation to any of these organizations or funds is a step in the right direction towards racial justice and equality and a step away from America’s shameful racist practices of the past and present.
Racial Justice

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter is the organization for Black freedom, liberation and justice that most people are familiar with or have become familiar with in the wake of George Floyd’s death. The organization was founded in 2013 after George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin’s killer, was acquitted of murder in the case. Black Lives Matter has become the face of the global movement to eliminate white supremacy by fighting against acts of violence, oppression and discrimination that Black people regularly face in our society.
Donate to Black Lives Matter.
Anti Racism Fund
The United States has a long history of systemic racism that recent events have spotlighted. Black people have been grossly mistreated, marginalized, and murdered simply because of ignorant hatred for the color of their skin. The Anti Racism Fund was formed to provide funding to organizations that fight to eliminate racial injustice in our society.
Donate to Anti Racism Fund.
Color of Change
Color of Change is an organization working to end unfair practices that hold Black people back from success, happiness, and true freedom. The organization helps people respond to injustices they witness. Color of Change has 1.7 million members who push decision makers in business and government to create a less hostile world for Black people and all people.
Donate to Color of Change.
Advancement Project
The Advancement Project has national programs that develop innovative strategies to tackle racial inequity. Using a combination of law, policy, communications and technology, the organization creates workable solutions and achieves systemic changes on issues of equality in democracy, voting rights and proper justice.
Donate to Advancement Project.
Community Justice Action Fund
The Community Justice Action Fund is dedicated to building power for and with Black communities to end gun violence. The organization strives to change the conversation on gun violence prevention with those most affected leading the way.
Donate to Community Justice Action Fund.
History and Culture

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
The African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is a history preservation campaign working to restore important parts of American history. Many locations in the United States where significant parts of African American history occurred have gone unrecognized for their importance in American history. This fund was created to protect and restore these places and tell their stories.
Donate to the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund.
Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation
The Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation furthers the work of choreographer and dancer Alvin Ailey. Its mission is to establish an extended cultural community with training, community programs, and dance performances. The community unites people of all ethnicities by using the humanity and beauty of the African American culture and others to bring people of all races, ages and backgrounds together.
Donate to The Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation.
The National Civil Rights Museum
The National Civil Rights Museum is located in Memphis, Tennessee at the Lorraine Motel where civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. The museum provides an education about the American civil rights movement and food for thought about today’s civil and human rights struggles around the world.
Donate to the National Civil Rights Museum.
Facing History and Ourselves
Facing History and Ourselves is an organization that helps communities and classrooms around the world learn about the past in order to make better choices today. The organization uses history as a tool to challenge students and teachers to take a stand against hate and bigotry in all forms.
Donate to Facing History and Ourselves.
Black Table Arts
Black Table Arts is an organization for Black artists with a mission to build community power, educate communities, and create spaces for leadership to thrive.
Donate to Black Table Arts.
Boom Concepts
Boom Concepts is a creative community hub in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for black artists and creative entrepreneurs. The community is dedicated to representing marginalized voices. Boom Concepts hosts monthly art exhibitions, film screenings, community meetings, live music, dance parties, and fundraisers.
Donate to Boom Concepts.
1HOOD is a collective of socially aware activists and artists. The group uses art to raise awareness. Its mission is to build liberated communities through art, social justice, and education.
Donate to 1HOOD.
Health and Disability

National Health Law Program
The National Health Law Program is an organization of attorneys dedicated to advancing health rights and access to quality health care for underserved and low-income individuals. One important goal of this organization is to eliminate racial healthcare inequities.
Donate to the National Health Law Program.
Sister Song
Sister Song is an organization on a mission to achieve reproductive justice for indigenous women and women of color. The organization serves to strengthen the voices of those women whose human rights have been oppressed.
Donate to Sister Song.
The National Black Disability Coalition (NBDC)
The National Black Disability Coalition (NBDC) was founded in 1990 and is an organization for all disabled Black people. NBDC works to improve community leadership, civil rights, entrepreneurship, family inclusion, education, and service delivery systems, and provides information to Black disabled people and their families.
Donate to the The National Black Disability Coalition (NBDC).
GirlTrek is bringing one million black women to walk in their neighborhoods for health and healing. The movement challenges black women across the United States to change their lives and communities through walking.
Donate to GirlTrek.
Autistic People of Color Fund
The Autistic People of Color Fund provides direct support and mutual aid for autistic people of color. The fund was created in June 2018 and has since given more than $30,000 to individual people of color who have autism.
Donate to the Autistic People of Color Fund.
BET + United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund
The BET + United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund was established in partnership with the United Way to provide support and relief to African Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Donors may choose what city their donation benefits or have their donation go to cities where the need is the greatest.
Donate to the BET + United Way COVID-19 Relief Fund.
Civil Rights and Policy Reform

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
The American Civil Liberties Union Foundation provides legal representation in legal cases involving constitutional rights and civil liberties. The foundation also educates the public about civil liberties and individual rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
Donate to the ACLU.
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Center for Constitutional Rights was founded in 1966 by lawyers dedicated to helping the civil rights movement in the South. The CCR headquarters is located in New York City and works to advance and protect constitutional rights. The organization is proactive and uses the law creatively to enact social change and empower poor communities.
Donate to The Center of Constitutional Rights.
Equal Justice Initiative
The Equal Justice Initiative was founded in 1989 by Bryan Stevenson to challenge racial and economic injustice. The initiative is dedicated to protecting the basic human rights of the most vulnerable people in America. EJI provides legal representation for people who have been wrongfully convicted, received unfair sentences, or have been abused in jail or prison. The initiative also challenges the death penalty and other forms of excessive punishment and provides assistance to those who are released from prison in order to help them successfully re-enter society.
Donate to the Equal Justice Initiative.
Campaign Zero
Campaign Zero is dedicated to ending police violence in America. The organization works to analyze police practices, identify effective solutions to end police violence, and push legislation to end police violence across the country. Campaign Zero also provides technical assistance to organizers who lead police accountability campaigns.
Donate to Campaign Zero.
Communities United for Police Reform
Communities United for Police Reform is a campaign in New York to end the discriminatory policing practices of NYPD. The movement is led by community members, lawyers, activists and researchers from all five boroughs. The partners in this campaign come from all walks of life and are representative of groups who are most often unfairly targeted by the police. Communities United for Police Reform fights for policy reforms that will keep communities safe while making sure the NYPD does its job of protecting and serving all in the community.
Donate to Communities United for Police Reform.
Communities United Against Police Brutality
Communities United Against Police Brutality is an organization based in Twin-Cities that works to deal with incidents of police brutality. The goal of the organization is to create a climate of resistance to police abuse of authority and power and to empower citizens with knowledge and tools to bring an end to police brutality.
Donate to Communities United Against Police Brutality.
Leadership Conference Education Fund
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition of more than 200 national organizations. Its purpose is to protect and promote the civil and human rights of all people. The goal is a more open and just America. The Education Fund works to mobilize advocates who push for progressive change across the nation.
Donate to the Leadership Conference Education Fund.
Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center is known for its legal victories against white supremacists and for tracking hate groups. The organization has worked since it was founded in 1971 to fight all forms of discrimination and to protect the constitutional rights of the most vulnerable members of society. In 1991 the organization established an educational program to combat the causes of hate to help K-12 classroom teachers foster respect and understanding.
Donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The Legal Rights Center
The Legal Rights Center is a community-driven nonprofit law firm in Hennepin County, Minnesota. The firm specializes in restorative justice practices and youth advocacy. It provides legal representation at no cost to low-income people and people of color. The Legal Rights Center prioritizes providing legal services to juveniles.
Donate to The Legal Rights Center.
Texas Civil Rights Project
The Texas Civil Rights Project is one of the most influential civil rights organizations in Texas. The organization uses legal advocacy to defend voting rights, reform criminal justice systems and fights institutional discrimination.
Donate to the Texas Civil Rights Project.

Harlem Academy
The Harlem Academy in New York City is an independent school with merit-based admission that educates grades 1-8. The Academy ensures economic diversity and meets all demonstrated need for tuition support. The school prepares children for lifelong learning and promotes thoughtful citizenship.
Donate to Harlem Academy.
Page Education Foundation
The Page Education Foundation is a non-profit with the mission to create heroes through education and service. Recipients of scholarships from the organization provide mentorship services for children in kindergarten through the eighth grade.
Donate to the Page Education Foundation.
Rainier Scholars
Rainier Scholars provides scholarships to students belonging to groups that are most underrepresented on college campuses including African Americans, Hispanic Latinos, Native Americans and first generation Asian Americans. Over 80 percent of Rainier Scholars qualify as low income and 85 percent will be the first in their family to earn a college degree.
Donate to Rainier Scholars.
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO)
Sponsors for Educational Opportunity has a mission to give access to superior educational and career opportunities to young people from underserved and underrepresented communities.
Donate to Sponsors for Educational Opportunity.
Thurgood Marshall College Fund
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund was founded in 1987 to provide scholarships and to advocate for students. The TMCF also works with public Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to ensure student success.
Donate to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.
Black Girls Code
The Black Girls Code organization aims to increase the number of women of color in STEM fields by empowering and educating African American girls ages 7 to 17 to become leaders and innovators.
Donate to Black Girls Code.
Integrate NYC
Integrate NYC is a youth-led organization that fights for racial equity and integration in New York City’s schools. The organization advocates for transformative policy to end the segregation and inequality present in NYC schools.
Donate to Integrate NYC.
Youth and Community Development

The Brotherhood/Sister Sol
The Brotherhood/Sister Sol is an organization in New York with national reach that serves youth in economically poor communities. Bro/Sis organizes and advocates for social change and equality for Black people once and for all.
Donate to The Brotherhood/Sister Sol.
EmbraceRace was founded in 2016 with a mission to create a community, gather resources, assist, and provide support for the challenges that race creates for children, families, and communities. The organization publishes original stories and articles and produces webinars featuring expert guests.
Donate to EmbraceRace.
Assata’s Daughters
Assata’s Daughters is a youth organization led by women. The organization is located in Chicago and is rooted in black radical tradition. AD provides black youth in Chicago with political education, mentorship, and leadership development services.
Donate to Assata’s Daughters.
Pretty Brown Girl Foundation
The Pretty Brown Girl Foundation provides self-acceptance and leadership development programs, clubs, and events to combat adverse social issues that affect girls of color. The organization has a mission to instill confidence in girls and young women of color so that they grow up to fulfill their dreams and become capable leaders in their communities.
Donate to Pretty Brown Girl.
The Conscious Kid
The Conscious Kid strives to promote healthy racial identity development in children. The organization supports other organizations, families, and educators who are taking action to stop racism in children.
Donate to The Conscious Kid.
Know Your Rights Camp
Colin Kaepernick’s Know Your Rights Camp is engaging cities across the country in a movement to advance the liberation and well-being of black and brown communities. The camps educate and inspire self-empowerment.
Donate to Know Your Rights Camp.
Developing Responsible Economically Advanced Model-Citizens (D.R.E.A.M.)
D.R.E.A.M. is a nonprofit organization with a commitment to educating and empowering urban kids to make smart financial decisions. By providing financial education the organization is training the next generation of citizens so that they may foster positive change in urban communities.
Donate to DREAM.
Business and Career
SOGAL is a female-led platform that is disrupting norms in venture capital and empowering diversity. The mission of the organization is to bridge the funding gap for entrepreneurs.
Donate to SOGAL.
Black & Brown Founders
Black & Brown Founders is an organization that provides help to Black and Latino entrepreneurs with modest resources launch and build tech businesses.
Donate to Black & Brown Founders.
Minority Corporate Counsel Association
The Minority Corporate Counsel Association was founded in 1997 with a mission to advocate for expanded hiring, retention and promotion of minority corporate attorneys and law offices. The association collects and distributes information about diversity in the legal profession.
Donate to Minority Corporate Counsel Association.
Gyrl Wonder
Gyrl Wonder is a professional initiative to empower ambitious young women of color ages 17 -22. The organization provides resources and tools for girls to prepare them to be successful in a competitive workplace environment and reach their professional goals.
Donate to Gyrl Wonder.
Black Political Organizations

Black Voters Matter
Black Voters Matter works to increase power in Black communities through effective voting so that communities may choose their own destinies. The organization advocates for policies to expand voter rights and access along with other aspects of racial equity.
Donate to Black Voters Matter.
The Collective Political Action Committee
The Collective Political Action Committee works to build Black political power. The organization educates and equips voters, donors and political candidates with resources such as training programs, technical assistance, fundraising, and advertising. The Collective Political Action Committee looks forward to improving our country by building a new generation of Black civic leaders across the U.S. at all levels.
Donate to The Collective Political Action Committee.
Woke Vote
Woke Vote is working to change the face of politics across the country. The organization is dedicated to increasing voter turnout. Woke Vote is invested in the activation, long-term engagement, training and development of leaders who organize, and the mobilization of voters of color who have long been disengaged in the political process.
Donate to Woke Vote.
Higher Heights for America
Higher Heights for America is a political organization for Black women. The organization is dedicated to pushing forward for a democracy that effectively represents Black women, includes Black women and elects Black women.
Donate to Higher Heights for America.